Report your Lost Items
Lost Item Form
Lost Item Form
If you have lost an item while diving with us, please complete this short form. This will help us connect lost equipment with their owners. Found items will only be held for 90 days unclaimed. We have too many items in our lost and found and will have to start clearing it out.

This page is designed to help us reunite our guest with item(s) they may have lost while visiting & diving with us. Please note that not all missing items are recovered however if you have lost something while visiting us, please fill out this short simple form. If your missing item is found we can go through these records to help get your item(s) back to you. While diving at the park and you find an item, it is required that you turn it in to one of our staff members. Unclaimed property will be held for 90 days from the date found so please help us by submitting this form so that we can help get your property back to you. Items that are not claimed after 90 days will become property of Pennyroyal Scuba Center LLC. and will be cleaned out to help control the amount of items in our lost and found. If your item has been found, we will contact you to arrange pickup or shipping back to you. Shipping charges will be at owners expense.